How to Claim the Prize if the Certification Copy of the Winning Electronic Uniform Invoice Indistinct

The National Taxation Bureau of the Southern Area, Ministry of Finance has indicated that, the prize of uniform invoices cannot be redeemed if the certification copy of the electronic uniform invoice is torn, or has indistinct or illegible entries, unless the invoice issuer authenticates that entries in the receipt are consistent with those in the issuer’s copy.

The Bureau explained that prizewinners could inquire of the National Taxation Bureaus about the registered name and address of the issuer  of the winning electronic uniform invoice. After checking the entries in the receipt are consistent with those in the issuer’s copy, the invoice issuer could provide the certification copy of the electronic uniform invoice with “reprinted” indicated. The prizewinner shall claim their prize at local prize disbursement institutions with the reprinted invoice and the original blurred or damaged winning invoice.

In order to avoid invoices being lost, damaged, or blurred resulting in failure to redeem prizes, the Bureau appealed to the public to use mobile phone barcodes to store cloud invoices when shopping. Cloud invoices are eligible for both general uniform invoice prizes and cloud invoice exclusive awards. Moreover, if users set up a designated account for invoice prizes, prize money from winning numbers can be automatically remitted into the designated account and enjoy a saving of 4‰ stamp tax.

If there are any questions about mobile phone barcode registration, please call the toll-free service hotline at 0800-521988 of E-Invoice Platform, Ministry of Finance, or at 0800-000-321 of the National Taxation Bureau.

Press Release Contact: Ms. Lin
Sales Tax Division
TEL: 06-2223111ext.8088


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