Optimizing the Service of Pre-calculation of the Estate Tax Returns to Benefit the Public

The Ministry of Finance (hereinafter “MOF”) has provided the Service of Pre-calculation of the Estate Tax Returns (hereinafter “the Service”) for cases which meet specified qualifications, starting on January 1, 2022. Taxpayers may make an application within 6 months after the death of the decedent via e-Tax Portal, MOF (https://www.etax.nat.gov.tw) or at the counter of any national taxation bureau or municipal/local tax collection agency. The National Taxation Bureau shall provide the ''Notification of Estate Tax Returns Calculation Services'' and ''Filing Confirmation Form” to taxpayers, who only need to confirm and reply to complete the tax filing of estate returns.
Tainan Branch, National Taxation Bureau of Southern Area, MOF explains that, after launching the Service, MOF continues to gather public feedback and enhance the quality of the service. Since July 1, 2021, these additions include allowing taxpayers to make the application through the above service without enclosing canceled household information, providing the pre-calculation forms within 30 days after accepting the applications, allowing taxpayers to confirm and reply to estate tax returns at the counter of any tax bureau, and lifting the requirement for enclosed documentation for taxpayers who apply for declaration in person in accordance with the pre-calculation forms.
The Service has been highly recognized for facilitating the filing of estate tax returns. For any inquiries, please call our toll-free number 0800-000-321. It is our pleasure to serve you.

Press Release Contact: Ms. Wang
Head of Service Section, Tainan Branch
TEL: 06-2220961 ext. 400

Reference URL:https://www.mof.gov.tw/Eng/singlehtml/f48d641f159a4866b1d31c0916fbcc71?cntId=ab837eb6a64d41eba259e69f6fb16c99