2025-02-04 營利事業以盈餘進行實質投資列報未分配盈餘減項後,3年內轉售應補繳稅款
2025-01-24 非專門從事研發工作全職人員之薪資支出不得列為研究發展支出適用投資抵減之範圍
2025-01-17 受扶養親屬如有所得,納稅義務人應一併計入綜合所得總額申報
2025-01-15 個人將房屋無償出借營業,未收取租金仍應申報租賃收入
2025-02-04 Cargo Owners May Retrieve Samples with Self-executed Affidavit After Retention Period Expires
2025-01-21 Beware Tax Restriction on Exiting the R.O.C. Affecting Lunar New Year Overseas Travel Plans
2025-01-21 Profit-seeking Enterprises Shall Not Arbitrarily Select the Years in which Profits and Losses Are Recognized when Contracting Projects
2025-01-17 Taipei Customs Urges Duty-payers to Pay Duties As Early As Possible Before the Lunar New Year